TWIN MOUNTAIN, SINDORO and SUMBING , Temanggung's Tourism

Top of Sindoro Mountain

Top of Sumbing Mount

Sindoro and Sumbing Mount

Sindoro and Sumbing are two adjacent mountains, and have similar shape and height. The height of Mount Sumbing is about 3,340 m (asl), slightly higher than Sindoro (3,155 m asl). If mapped, Cleft is in the southwest of Temanggung city ​​and east of Wonosobo city. While Sindoro in northwest Temanggung and East sea Wonosobo. The community in both areas called Sindoro - Sumbing as Twin Mountain. Both of them save huge tourism potential, although not all of them can be managed optimally.
In addition to beautiful natural scenery, with cool and fresh air, the areas of the slopes of Sumbing -Sindoro potential developed as a tourist agro area, especially plantation kelengkeng, tobacco, vanilla, and coffee. The natural condition is almost the same as the Gunung Mas area, the peak, Bogor. The mountain is filled with legends about the loyalty of the couple and the epic of heroism is already familiar to the climbers. Many groups of nature lovers who climb the peak of Sumbing and Sindoro , especially on certain days that have become a tradition. With its many advantages, the department of transportation and tourism Temanggung try to continue to explore the potential of tourism , while fixing the supporting infrastructure of this region. The tourism sector, especially the Mountain-based tourism , can be one of the excellent prima donna in developing the populist economy in this area.
Department of Transportation and Tourism intends to develop Sindoro and Sumbing area as an integrated tourism area. Especially worn between Sindoro - Cleft , and the top. For example by providing a cable car facility that connects the two mountains. One of the areas flanked by the SindoroSumbing valley is Kledung, which passes by road users on the Parakan-Wonosobo line. Many road users who rest in this place, just to see the beauty of the surrounding natural scenery that can refresh the body and mind. Many things that can be found in the mountain. In addition to its natural beauty, the Sindoro - Sumbing valley also offers the warmth and friendly smile of its inhabitants. Moreover, when they see their activities during the harvest season arrived. Beautiful natural panorama and cool air-fresh is now a rare commodity in the city, that is why, they often use the day off to natural attractionsas widely available in Temanggung district. Located close to the Dieng Plateau make climbing toursof Sumbing Mountain and SIndoro can be promoted more terrible again, for example by inviting some tourists who come to Dieng to pay a visit back to Temanggung. The district government and the people of Temanggung are ready to take advantage of this golden opportunity, for the welfare of society.

One of the activities that have been running this mountain area is mountain tourism . Climbing Sindoro - Cleft usually starts from kledung, which lies between the two mountains. In this place, the climbers can also watch the sunrise and sunset. The challenging hiking trails, night rituals of 1 sura (1 muharam) and blackjack (21 Ramadan), tea plantations, various vegetable fields, pine trees, and tortuous paths of both mountains make a lot of people want to visit the place .
The tour to Mount Sumbing will pass through Tegalrejo tourist village which is also close to Vale Kambang fishing and Gondosuli inscription. The soil around the mountain is very fertile, so almost the entire area is sloping to a height of 2,000 m asl made the plantation area of ​​the people such as tobacco and vegetables. Climbing a mountain can be done anytime. But the peak of the crowd occurred in malem blackjack. Thousands of climbers, guided by experienced nature lovers from Temanggung Hiking Club (SHC), as well as monitored by integrated officers at the nearest post, start their ritual from the mountain pager village, Bulu sub-district. To climb outside the tradition of malem blackjack, the trip can be done without having guided officers. The climbers generally start from the village / subdistrict kledung (northwest direction), or kampong need and selogowok dikecamatan tlogo mulyo (northeast). In fact, chipped mountains can also be climbed from areas outside Temanggungdistrict. That is northwest direction from garung village (1,543 m asl) in Butuh village, Kalijajar subdistrict (Wonosobo), southeast from Kalegan (Magelang Regency), and southwest direction from sapurun (Wonosobo). In good weather, the climb to the summit takes about five hours. Some of them pilgrimage Ki Ageng Makukuhan at the Peak of Sumbing . Ki Ageng Makukuhan is believed to be the first person to stop at Kedu and introduce tobacco plants. There are several posts that must be passed from the base camp to the top, namely post I (1,750 m asl), post II (2,000 m asl), shadow post (2,500 m asl), and the top (2,850-3,340 m asl).

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