EMPU TANTULAR MUSEUM, Surabaya's Tourism (East Java-Indonesia)



bicycle with one wheel one, 
once of the museum's collections

The Museum collection amount to about 15000 items, The collections come from prehistory epoch, Hindu-Buddha, Islam epoch, Colonial and Modern.


Mpu Tantular Museum is continuation from Stedelijk Historich. Surabaya Museum that built by Von Faber, a Germany collector and permanent in Surabaya. He built the museum since 1922 and can be realized in 1933, and has just been opened on 25 Junes 1937.
Name of Stedelijk Historich Surabaya Museum in 1972 altered become East Java Museum by 1 Novembers 1974 by the name of Museum Negeri Propinsi Jawa Timur "Mpu Tantular". Giving of the name as respect to big master Majapahit, book author Arjunawijaya and Sutasoma that in its book consist of Bhinneka Tunggal Ika philosophy as Indonesian nation password.


This Museum was located in Raadhius Ketabang then move to Tegalsari Street a widow house Han Tjiong King of width five times from initially wide. From tegalsari move again to Pemuda Street 3 Surabaya (now Trimurti Senior High School).


Since 1974 until 2001 museum under the Culture Directorate General is UPT (Technical Executor Unit) and since area autonomy became East Java UPTD. Since 14 Mays 2004, Mpu Tantular Museum is moved again to Buduran Roadway, Sidoarjo of the first address in intersection in Diponegoro Street and Darmo Roadway Surabaya.
Because its development, hence the room is also felt unsatisfying adequate, it is try to get adequate and broader room for museum. The business is executed blessing obtained by it a new building in Simpang Street that is now conceived of Pemuda Street Surabaya, and financed by public.
Von Faber passed away on 30 Septembers 1955. After Von Faber had die, museum not maintained, a lot of collection had damaged or loosed. Then museum is placed under the Center of General Education Organization for the culture that taking care of continuity of museum life.
Here in after arise initiative to deliver this museum to Local Government of East Java Province. Opening is done on 1 November 1974. Hereinafter, this 'Museum Negeri Jawa Timur' called 'Mpu Tantular' with location initially in Pemuda Street 3 Surabaya. Because its addition collection hence at mid of September - October 1975, the museum is carried over Taman Mayangkara Street 6 Surabaya, which declared on 12 Augusts 1977.
Since 1974 until 2001 museum under the Culture Directorate General is UPT (Technical Executor Unit) and since area autonomy became East Java UPTD. Since 14 Mays 2004, Mpu Tantular Museum is moved again to Buduran Roadway, Sidoarjo of the first address in intersection in Diponegoro Street and Darmo Roadway Surabaya.
Pay a visit
Tuesday to Thursday 08.00 - 15.00 Friday 07.00 - 14.00 
Saturday 08.00 - 12.30 
Sunday 08.00 - 13.30 
On Monday, the Museum closed, but the office still open
National Red Letter Day, the museum has closed

Source : http://www.eastjava.com


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