The Grand Mosque of Purworejo, the Greatest Bedug Mosque in the World, Purworejo Tourism Religi (Central Java - Indonesia)

The Grand Mosque of Purworejo is a historical relic from the period of Islam in Indonesia.The Grand Mosque of Purworejo is also called the Jami 'Darul Mutaqqim Mosque. The mosque is located in downtown Purworejo, precisely to the west of Purworejo square.Purworejo Grand Mosque is located in Kauman Village, Sindurjan Village, Purworejo Sub-District, Purworejo District. Around the mosque there are several important buildings, including the residence of the Regent, Purworejo District Government Office, GPIB Church, as well as prisons and military-style buildings that now function as infantry headquarters 412.
The history of the Grand Mosque of Purworejo is inseparable from the history of Purworejo itself. Purworejo formerly known as Bagelan belonging to the Residency Bagelan. Bagelan region in the nineteenth century is the territory of Nagara Agung Kasunanan Surakarta.The condition of Bagelan region that is less conducive encourages the Dutch to reassure the region by asking for help to Paku Buwono VI. Paku Buwono VI chose Kanjeng Gusti Pangeran Haryo Kusumoyudho as the commander to help the Dutch. The Dutch promised to KGPH Kusumoyudho if successful will be appointed as ruler in Bagelan region.
KGPH Kusumoyudho assisted by Raden Ngabehi Resodiwiryo. Resodiwiryo can secure the area in Bagelan well. So he got the trust from KGPH Kusumoyudho to serve as Tanggung Regent whose territory is located east of Bogowonto River. Resodiwiryo then holds Kanjeng Raden Tumenggung Cokrojoyo.
After the end of the Diponegoro War the Dutch government requested the entire Bagelan region. This area was made residency under the leadership of Resident AI Ruitenback. Then by Commissioner van Sevenhoven, Residency Bagelan is divided into four duchy areas with the ruling dukes of the ruler:
  1. Duchy of Brengkelan become Bagelan Timur with KR Duke Cokrojoyo as regent.
  2. Semawung Duchy (Semawon) includes Bagelan Selatan led by KR Adipati Notonagoro Sawunggalih II.
  3. Kadduaten Karangduwur includes Bagelan Utara led by KR Duke Mangunnagoro.
  4. Kadipaten Ngaran includes Bagelan Barat led by KR Adipati Arung Binang.
KR Duke Cokrojoyo who was inaugurated as Regent of Brengkelan in 1830 AD changed the name of Kadipaten Brengkelan to Purworejo Duchy with the approval of Commissioner van Lawick van Pabst. Once approved the new name, KR Adipati Cokrojoyo famous as KR Adipati Cokronagoro I who began to reign in Purworejo Duchy in 1831.

During his reign KR Adipati Cokronagoro I many held development, such as making irrigation channels, duchy buildings, and the Great Mosque of Kadipaten. The official assigned to carry out the construction of the Duchy Mosque is Pepatih Dalem Kadipaten Purworejo named Patih Cokrojoyo. Making the Purworejo Duchy Mosque started in 1834 AD according to the inscription on the main door of the mosque. In 1988, by the head of the Department of Religious Affairs of Purworejo District, Drs. H. Moch. Soeripto and Chairman of Takmir KH. Drs. Muh. Ghufron Faqih, the Grand Mosque of Purworejo is named after the Great Mosque of Darul Muttaqin Purworejo.
Purworejo Grand Mosque Complex consists of Porch, Main Space, Mihrab, and several other relics such as the pulpit, maxura and drum. One of the uniqueness found in the Grand Mosque Purworejo is the existence of bedugnya. It is said that the bedug in this mosque is the biggest drum in the world. Bedug is named Kyai Bagelan or better known as Bedug Pandawa. This bedug is made from the base of giant teak tree from Dukuh Pandawa, Bragolan Village, Purwodadi Subdistrict, Purworejo District. This bedug was made on the advice of Tumenggung Prawiranegara (Tumenggung Cokronagoro I's sister). This largest drum has a front-line size of 194 cm, a rear diameter of 180 cm, 292 cm long with a 601 cm front circumference and a rear 564 cm. This bedug leather was originally made of bull skin, but now it has been replaced with ox skin. The reason this bedug into the biggest drum in the world may be because not all mosques in the world especially outside Indonesia have a drum. So it is fine if Bedug Kyai Bagelan still dubbed as the biggest drum in the world.


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