WAYANG GOLEK, Sunda's Culture


Wayang is a popular form of folk theater, especially on the islands of Java and Bali . People often associate the word "puppet" with "shadow", because it is seen from the shadow puppet show that uses the screen, where the shadows appear. In West Java , in addition to the known wayang kulit, the most popular is Wayang golek. The term golek can refer to two meanings, as a verb the word golek means 'looking', as a noun golek meaning wooden puppets. [1] With regard to wayang golek, there are two kinds of wayang golek papak (cepak) and wayang golek purwa in the Sunda region. Unless the wayang orang is a form of dance-drama that humans have drawn, most forms of puppet art are played by a dalang as the leader of the show who also sang suluk, voicing antawagu and others.

The performance pattern 

Like the wayang story generally, in wayang golek performances also usually have plays of both the strain and the carangan. The storyline can be drawn from folklore such as the spread of Islam by Walangsungsang and Rara Santang as well as from the epic that comes from the story of Ramayana and Mahabarata by using Sundanese Sundanese gamelan (salendro), consisting of two saron , apeking , a selentem , a dummy device, a rigged boning device, a kenong device, a pair of gongs (kempul and goong), plus a set of drums(an Indang kendang and three kulanters), gambang and rebab .
In the wayang golek show, the plays usually performed are carangan plays. Only occasionally shows the plot. This seems to be the size of the dalang's intelligence to create a good and interesting carangan play. Some of the famous puppeteer puppeteers include Tarkim, RU Partasuanda, Abeng Sunarya, Either Tirayana, Apek, Asep Sunandar Sunarya , Cecep Supriadi, etc. The pattern of puppet show is as follows;
  1. Tatalu, puppeteer and sinden on stage, gending jejer / kawit, murwa, nyandra, suluk / kakawen, and biantara;
  2. Act of unjal, paseban, and bebegalan
  3. Nagara is cool
  4. Patepah
  5. The war failed
  6. Panakawan / goro-goro
  7. The flower war
  8. War racket
  9. Tutug

One of the wayang function in society is ngaruat ( ruwat ), ie cleaning from accident (distress). Some people who diruwat (sukerta), among others:
  1. Wunggal (single child)
  2. Nanggung Bugang (a brother whose brother died)
  3. Suramba (four sons)
  4. Surambi (four daughters)
  5. Pandavas (five sons)
  6. Pandawi (five daughters)
  7. Talaga Date Kausak (a son held by a princess)
  8. Samudra hapit sindang (a daughter dihapit two sons), and so forth.

Source : Wikipedia


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