SEKATEN YOGYAKARTA, Yogyakarta's Culture
In the municipality of Yogyakarta, there is a traditional ceremony called Sekaten or better known as the Night Market Celebration Sekaten because before the ceremony Sekaten held the night market activities first for a full month. Tradition that existed since the time of the Kingdom of Demak (16th century) is held once a year in Maulud, the third month of Java year, by taking the location in the courtyard or North Square of Ngayogyakarta Hadiningrat Palace.
The origin of the term Sekaten develops in several versions. Some argue that Sekaten comes from the word Sekati, which is the name of two palace heirloom devices in the form of a gamelan called Kanjeng Kyai Sekati which is played in a series of memorials of Maulud Prophet Muhammad SAW. Another opinion says that Sekaten comes from the word likes and ati (likes, happy) because people welcome the day of the Maulud with a sense of gratitude and happiness in the celebration of the night market in North Square.
Another opinion says that the word Sekaten is derived from the word syahadataini, two sentences in the Syahadat Islam, which is the shahadat aukhid (Asyhadu alla ila-ha-ilallah) which means "I testify that there is no God but Allah" and the creed of apostles (Waasyhadu anna Muhammadarrosululloh) "I testify that Prophet Muhammad is the messenger of Allah".
Sekaten ceremony is considered as a blend of Islamic da'wah activities and art. At the beginning of the spread of Islam in Java, one of the Wali Songo, Sunan Kalijaga, used the art of karawitan (Javanese gamelan) to appeal to the wider community to come to enjoy his karawitan performance using two sets of Kanjeng Kyai Sekati gamelan instruments. On the sidelines of the performance, preaching and reading of the holy verses of the Qur'an are performed. For those who are determined to embrace Islam, are required to pronounce the phrase of Shahadat, as a devout statement to the teachings of Islam.

Before the ceremony Sekaten implemented, held two kinds of preparation, namely physical and spiritual preparation.Physical preparation of Sekaten ceremonial equipment and equipment, namely Gamelan Sekaten, Gendhing Sekaten, a number of coins, a number of kanthil flowers, Sekaten uniform clothes, samir for niyaga, and other equipment, as well as manuscripts maulud Prophet Muhammad SAW.
Sekaten Gamelan is a heirloom Kraton called Kanjeng Kyai Sekati in two rancak, namely Kanjeng Kyai Nogowilogo and Kanjeng Kyai Guntur Madu. Gamelan Sekaten is made by Sunan Giri who is an expert in musical arts and is touted as a gamelan with pelog barrel first made. The beaters are made of ox horns or buffalo horns and to produce a loud and clear blow, the batter must be lifted to the forehead before being glued on each gamelan.
While Gendhing Sekaten a series of songs used gendhing, namely Five pathet ropes, Rangkung pathet five, Lunggadhung pelog pathet five, Arrange pathet nem, Andong andong pathet five, Rendheng pathet five, Jaumi pathet five, Gliyung pathet nem, Salatun pathet nem , Dhindhang Sabinah pathet em, White muru, Orang-aring pathet nem, Ngajatun pathet nem, Batem Tur pathet nem, Supiatun pathet goods, and Srundeng burned pelog pathet goods.
For spiritual preparation, do some time before Sekaten. The courtiers in the palace of Yogyakarta who will be involved in organizing the ceremony prepare mentally and mentally to develop the sacred task. Especially the courtiers in charge of hitting the gamelan Sekaten, they purify themselves by fasting and flush.
Sekaten Crowd
Sekaten is a night market held between 1 to 2 weeks before the Sekaten Traditional event in the northern square of Yogyakarta. In addition to containing food and beverage sellers, there are several attractions in this celebration. Everything can be enjoyed by visitors free. This crowd was an early activity before the Sekaten event itself.
Sekaten ceremony
The official Sekaten marker was opened when the courtiers of Ngayogyakarta Hadiningrat Palace issued the Kyai Sekati gamelan on the 5th of Maulud. The gamelan consists of two gamelan of Kyai Guntur Madu and Kyai Nogowilongo. Both are placed on the left and right side of the Ponconiti ward, Keben. Then, began playing after the al Isya prayer.
Gamelan players or commonly called commercial must purify themselves first. After 24 hours of fasting, they participate in the festivities. The "clean self" habit is done by the merchant for personal awareness. Not "dawuh dalem" or command of the Sultan. The habit of "clean self" is now rarely done.
The merchants play the gamelan with a very slow tempo after the Al-Isha prayer until midnight. Afterward, two Mantrijero and Ketanggung warrior corps then moved the gamelan to the Great Mosque complex at the Pagongan ward - reserved for the gamelan. The location of the ward itself is on the right and left of the gate of the Great Mosque.
Usually, some faithful members of the community are waiting on the Keben page. In addition they want to see the gamelan Kyai Sekati from nearby there is a spread of coin money made Udik-Udik on orders of the Sultan. According to the beliefs that exist in society, the money can bring good luck to those who get it. In fact, there is only one who wants to enjoy the euphoria or the hubbub of those who are jostling. That same night, there are many savory rice sellers, typical food when Sekaten.
In addition to that belief, there is also a youthful myth. The way to chew betel fit drum first sounded. While the savory rice or other name of rice wudug replace Arab foods made from rice mixed with samin oil. According to one source, the rice is the favorite food of the Prophet. Even whenever there is a celebration of honor to the Prophet, also known as Rasulan, savory rice becomes a mandatory dish.
In the past, the Royal princesses asked his servants to sell savory rice. Uniquely, those who buy do not pay with money, but instead use a piece of tile. In Javanese it is called Wingko. On the night of 5 Maulud, after the Kyai Sekati gamelan is on the left and right of the Ponconiti ward,
After the move, the gamelan is played every day except Thursday afternoon until Friday afternoon, for 6 days 6 nights after Al Isya prayer until midnight. Then, start again after dawn prayer till dusk again.
On the 11th of Maulud or the last night of the Kyai Sekati gamelan there is a large mosque complex. The night was called "Garebeg Night." At that time most of the members of the community flocked to the North Square. Then gathered next to the entrance of the Exhibition and the Great Mosque.
When the evening of Garebeg Maulud, the Sultan was in the Grand Mosque with the Prince and the Regent. Sri Sultan and entourage depart from the gate Srimanganti to the gate of the Great Mosque through Rotowijayan. From the entrance, Sri Sultan turn left to the ward of South Pagongan. In place of the ceremony held Udik-Udik made by the Supreme Prince.
Kyai Pengulu and his staff are waiting in the Grand Mosque. Ceremony Udik-Udik done again. The difference, this time Sri Sultan himself or Kyai Pengulu who do it. Once completed, the Sultan returned to the Great Mosque. He then sat on the porch facing east. Kyai Pangulu and his staff sat face to face with the Sultan. The Princes and Regents on the south side.While the guests are in the north.
Once everything is in their respective positions, then the procession of reading the life of the Prophet Muhammad SAW begins. Once completed, the Sultan and the retinue returned to the palace through the road Pagelaran - Sitinggil with 2 Mantrijero and Ketanggung warrior corps.
After the gamelan Kyai Sekati returned to the palace, Sekaten ceremony finished. Even so, the night market continued for a week longer. Then, the next day, the 12th of Maulud held Garebeg ceremony.
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