BATU DUA at LINGGA MOUNT, Sumedang's Tourism (West Java-Indonesia)

Batu Dua is a wide and flat plain which is at an altitude of about 930 mdpl, precisely located in the area of ​​Lingga Mount, Cisitu District. Not just presents a stunning landscape, this mountain slope is also a paragliding sport location. No kidding, Batu Dua has been the site of the prestigious prestigious World Cup Paralayang event in 2013.
Paragliding sport in Batu Dua, Lingga Mount.
Stone Excellence Two when compared to other sports paragliding location that is some geothermal point. The point emits natural gas that can make paragliding fly at a higher altitude. In addition, also supported by a gust of wind that makes a paragliding player can perform beautiful maneuvers. No wonder, Batu Dua became a favorite place of lovers of this extreme sport.

Batu Dua Area

In addition to its famous paragliding, Batu Dua also has cultural and historical tourist destinations, namely the first King Sumedang tomb, King Tajimalela. In the tourist attractions in Sumedang is also located Gunung Lingga campground that has been equipped with various outbound facilities such as flying fox.

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